Flexcrete 01/10/2022From date:
- Approximately 7% increase across all products
Effective from date:
Sika – Roofing 01/10/2022From date:
- Primers +10%
Effective from date:
Tremco CPG UK 01/10/2022From date:
- TP600 – Impregnated Foam (Compriband 600) +8%
- TP450 & TP601 – Impregnated Foam (Timber-max) +6%
- TP610 – Impregnated Foam (Standard) +10%
- TP654 – Impregnated Foam (Multi-functional) +15%
- ME220 – Membrane (EPDM all variants) +7%
- ME501 / ME501VV / ME508 – Membrane (Intelligent) +3%
- ME500 – Membrane – Air seal +5%
- TNxxx (All) SG634/SG635 – PST (Pressure Sensitive Tapes) +15%
Effective from date:
rbs 01/10/2022From date:
- Curing and sealing liquids +12%
Effective from date:
Triton Systems 01/10/2022From date:
An increase in price of a set amount, on the following products:
- Corner Strip +£2.00
- Overtape +£2.00
- Stretch Tape +£6.00
- Sealing Tape +£1.00
- Sealing Rope +£1.00
Effective from date:
Fosroc 01/09/2022From date:
- Admixtures + 6.50%
- Surface Treatment* + 6.50%
- Grouts & Anchors + 4.00%
- Concrete Repair + 4.00%
- Flooring + 6.50%
- Protective Coatings + 6.50%
- Sealants + 12.00%
- Waterproofing + 3.00%
- Others + 6.50%
*Except Auramol H15 which will remain at June 2022 prices.
Effective from date:
Sika – Building Finishing 01/09/2022From date:
- Silorend +6%
Effective from date:
Everbuild 01/09/2022From date:
- Sika Anchorfix-1 +23%
- SBR +15%
- Lumberjack 160 Woodbond + 11%
- Stick 2 +8.5%
- Surface Treatments + 8.5%
- Plumbing + 7%
- Oil Away Sprayable +6%
- Multi Use Wonder Wipes Spray + 6%
- P11 C.H System Cleaner +6%
- P14 C.H System Inhibitor + 6%
Effective from date:
SMR Projects / Xypex 01/09/2022From date:
- 8.2% increase across all projects
Effective from date: