GCP – Stirling Lloyd 22/08/2022From date:
- 5% increase on all products
Effective from date:

RIW 15/08/2022From date:
- Sheetseal 226 (All roll sizes) (+9%)
- Sheetseal GR (All roll sizes) (+9%)
Effective from date:

GCP Concrete Admixtures & Dec 15/08/2022From date:
- 11% surcharge on all orders for products in their admixtures portfolio
Effective from date:

Akzo Nobel 01/08/2022From date:
- Intergard, Intercure primers, Interzone, Interseal, Interplus, Intershield, Interbond, Intertuf + 5%
- Interline, Interzinc, Interprime, Ceilcote, Enviroline, Interplate + 2%
- Interthane, Interfine, Interlac, Intertherm, Intercryl, Intersheen, Intersleek, Aggregates, Intercure finishes + 0%
- Chartek, Interchar – Removal of £1 per ltr/kg surcharge, replaced by 3-7% increase
- Thinners + 6.5%
- Fuel and logistics surcharge will be raised from £50 to £75
Effective from date:

Sika – Flooring 01/08/2022From date:
- Sikafloor-1 MetalTop natural Bg 25KG + 22.5%
- Sikafloor ArmorTop natur.grey UK Bg 25KG + 4%
- Sikafloor-1 MetalTop natural BB 1500KG + 25%
- Sikafloor-1 MetalTop Colour 25Kg + 20%
- Sikafloor-1 MetalTop Colour 1500Kg + 16%
Effective from date:

Sika – Specialist Construction Solutions 01/08/2022From date:
- Anchorfix Range + 30%
- Sikadur 33 + 70%
Effective from date:

Sika – Sealing & Bonding 01/08/2022From date:
- SikaBond-5500S + 20%
- Sikaflex-113 RapidCure + 15%
- SikaBond Rapid DPM + 10%
- All PUs (Excluding Sikaflex EBT+) + 5%
Effective from date:

Sika – Waterproofing 01/08/2022From date:
- SikaScreed Mortar + 20%
- Sika Injection 307 + 12%
- SikaSwell + 10%
- SikaProof +10%
- Sika Combiflex + 5%
- Sikadur-52 Injection + 5%
- SikaFuko VT1 & VT2 + 5%
Effective from date:

Coo-Var 01/08/2022From date:
- Increase of 6.5% on all paint; thinners will now be priced on a monthly basis until they get some stability
Effective from date: