Over 6,000 products

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Nationwide coverage

Bond-It 06/03/2023From date:

  • Steri-Grout increased by +13%
  • 2 Part Wood Filler increased by +6%
  • All Aerosol Products increased by +3%

Effective from date:

Wykamol 01/03/2023From date:

  • All products +10%

Effective from date:

Flexcrete 01/03/2023From date:

  • Increase of approx +5% on all products

Effective from date:

Bond-It 06/02/2023From date:

Price changes on the following products:

  • Waterproofer: increased by +5%
  • Mould Stop: increased by +5%
  • SBR: increased by +5%
  • Gripbond Pro: increased by +5%
  • All Purpose Filler: increased by +6%
  • One Hit Wonder: increased by +6%
  • Wall Tile Grout: increased by +6%
  • Fix n Grout: increased by +6%

Effective from date:

weber 01/02/2023From date:

Increases across the following products and ranges:

  • weberpral M +8.5%
  • Decorative Render Finishes & EWI Renders +10% to 12%
  • Standard Mesh Cloth +12%
  • EWI Insulation & EWI Factored Goods +12% to 20%
  • Main Tiling Product Range +7% to 9%
  • weberfix Product Range (paste products) +11% to 15%
  • weberjoint Silicone Product Range +20%
  • Flooring Products +12% to 15%
  • Technical Mortars +12% to 15%

Effective from date:

Steintec 01/02/2023From date:

  • Increase of +8.8% across all products

Effective from date:

Triton Systems 01/02/2023From date:

  • Most products +5%
  • Exceptions include: EX100 / EX100GM / Trimol 40 / Aqua Pump Kit / Aqua Pump Plus Kit

Effective from date:

GCP – Grace 01/02/2023From date:

  • +9% increase across all building envelope products

Effective from date:

Fischer Fixings (UK) Ltd 01/02/2023From date:

Prices on selected products will increase by +7%. Furthermore, there are specific price increases on the following products:

  • 12% increase on all stainless-steel products & EWI
  • 10% on Screws
  • Various increase across Firestop products

All Chemical fixings, Nail fuel packs, Brad packs are exempt from this price increase.

Effective from date:
1 2 7 8 9 23 24