Dow Great Stuff Pro Fire Rated Gun Foam 750ml





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Dow Great Stuff Pro Fire Rated Gun Foam 750ml


GREAT STUFF™ PRO FR is a moisture-curing one-component polyurethane aerosol foam sealant. It contains an environmentally safe propellant, which complies with the latest EU regulations ((EC) No 842/2006) on the use of fluorinated greenhouse gases in One Component Polyurethane products.

It is classified B1 according to DIN 4102-1 and has a fire resistance up to 5 hours according BS476: Part20: 1987, and 4 hours (EI 240) according EN1366-4: 2006. Specific test conditions and test reports are available on demand.


  • GREAT STUFF™ PRO FR adheres to most common building materials including wood, concrete, wallboard and plastic, with the exception of smooth surfaced polyethylene, silicone, oil and grease or similar substrates.
  • GREAT STUFF™ PRO FR can be used at temperatures from +5°C to +30°C, the optimal processing temperatures being from 18°C to 25°C. Full foam setting time is 12 hours.
  • The Foam can be cut after 1 hour. Once fully set, the foam can be trimmed, sawn, sanded, painted or plastered over.
  • It is thermally stable between -40°C and +100°C. It is durable and permanent except when exposed to UV-rays. Foam exposed to UV light should be painted or covered.
  • The heat insulation values are excellent.

Dow Great Stuff Pro Fire Rated Gun Foam 750ml




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