Mapegrout Hi-Flow 25kg

SKU: 096MGHF25

SKU: 096MGHF25



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Mapegrout Hi-Flow 25kg


A controlled-shrinkage fibre-reinforced, ready mixed mortar for concrete repair. Use Mapegrout Hi-Flow for all concrete repairs that require the use of fluid mortars, such as reinforced concrete beams and columns and floors. Made from cement binders, graded aggregate, special additives and synthetic fibres, Mapegrout Hi-Flow is prepared by mixing a 25 kg bag with 3.6-4 litres of water, depending on the consistency required. The mix is poured into sealed formwork. Care must be taken to let air escape in order to prevent air-bubbles. Thicknesses up to 2 cm can be repaired with Mapegrout Hi-Flow. For greater thicknesses, the addition of appropriately graded aggregate is recommended.


  • Structural reinstatement of reinforced concrete beams and pillars.
  • Restoring the lower flanges of pre-stressed concrete beams of viaducts.
  • Reinstatement of floor beams and slabs after scarification of deteriorated areas.
  • Restoring concrete floors (industrial, road and airport).
  • Grouting rigid joints between concrete elements.


To repair structures where particular thicknesses and the state of deterioration require the use of high flow mortars.


  • High flexural and compressive strength;
  • The modulus of elasticity and coefficients of thermal expansion and permeability to water vapour are similar to those of high quality concrete;
  • Waterproof;
  • Very high adhesion to old concrete, when it has been saturated with water beforehand, and to reinforcing rods especially if they have been treated with Mapefer or Mapefer 1K;
  • High resistance to wear from abrasion

Mapegrout Hi-Flow 25kg

SKU: 096MGHF25



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