Mapegrout Thixotropic 25kg

SKU: 096MGT25

SKU: 096MGT25



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Mapegrout Thixotropic 25kg


Controlled-shrinkage fibre-reinforced grout for the repair of concrete. Use Mapegrout Thixotropic for all concrete repairs such as: reconstruction of concrete cover, repairs of corners, beams, columns and balconies damaged by rusted reinforcing rods. Due to its high mechanical strength Mapegrout Thixotropic can be used for structural repairs. Made from cement binders, graded aggregate, special additives and synthetic fibres, Mapegrout Thixotropic is prepared by mixing a 25 kg bag with 3.9-4.3 litres of water. Mapegrout Thixotropic is applied by trowel, float or spray onto solid substrates, which must be free of loose particles, have a rough surface and been soaked with water beforehand. Repairs up to 30-35 mm thick in a single coat can be made without using formwork.


  • Repairing deteriorated areas of concrete, corners of pillars and beams, edges of balconies damaged by the oxidation of reinforcing steel.
  • Reconstruction of reinforcing rod covers in reinforced concrete structures.
  • Smoothing surface defects, such as gravel nests, new casting joints, holes created by formwork spacers, exposed rods, etc.
  • Filling of rigid joints.
  • Repair of surfaces subjected to heavy abrasion (canals, industrial floors, ramps, etc.).
  • Smoothing of diaphragm walls and tunnels.
  • Repairing viaducts for highways, roads and railways.


Surface repair of deteriorated concrete structures on both vertical and horizontal surfaces.

Mapegrout Thixotropic 25kg

SKU: 096MGT25



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