rbs Greentard Liquid TF 1ltr
rbs Greentard Liquid TF 1ltr
rbs Greentard Gel MF (Mould Face) is an aqueous biodegradable pigmented retarder designed to be applied to formwork surfaces to produce an exposed aggregate surface which gives an excellent key for subsequent concreting or provides an alternative exposed finish; it is ideal for construction joints and rendering applications.
- Is readily biodegradable.
- Can be used with all types of formwork, both absorbent and non-absorbent.
- Ideal for use in areas of poor ventilation due to its aqueous, low odour characteristics.
- Pigmented (blue) to assist in achieving a uniform application.
- Eliminates the need for expensive and time consuming surface preparation for subsequent treatments.
- Cures to give a tough, abrasion resistant film that is not easily displaced during concrete placement.
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