Renderoc GP 25kg

SKU: 002gp

SKU: 002gp

£62.81 (inc. VAT)

£52.34 (Ex. VAT)

88 company wide current stock level

Renderoc GP 25kg


Renderoc GP is supplied as a ready to use blend of dry powders requiring only the site addition of clean water to produce a highly consistent, lightweight repair mortar.
It is based on Portland cements, graded aggregates and chemical additives which provide a mortar with good handling characteristics while minimising water demand. The low water requirement ensures good strength gain and long-term durability.
Renderoc GP has been specifically engineered for vertical repair work. It can be applied in sections up to 70 mm thickness in vertical locations and up to 60 mm thickness in overhead locations in a single application and without the use of formwork. Thicker sections can be achieved by the use of formwork or can be built up in layers. Deep pockets can sometimes be filled in a single application dependent on the configuration of the pocket and the volume of exposed reinforcing steel.
Renderoc GP can be quickly and efficiently applied by the wet spray technique. Consult the local Fosroc office for further information. The material should not be applied at less than 10 mm thickness.


For the reinstatement of concrete where low permeability characteristics are required but where high compressive strength is not the most important consideration. Where higher compressive strengths and low permeability characteristics are required, Renderoc HB45 should be used. Renderoc GP has been specifically developed for vertical repair work. Renderoc GP is suitable for repair methods 3.1, 3.3, 4.4,7.1, 7.2 as defined by BS EN 1504-3.


  •  Compatibility with concrete of compressive strength 20- 35 N/mm²
  •  Frequently obviates the need for formwork
  •  Extremely low permeability to water, carbon dioxide and chlorides
  •  Exceptional system of shrinkage compensation provides long-term dimensional stability
  •  Can be applied quickly and efficiently by wet spraying
  •  One component, pre-bagged to overcome site-batched variations
  •  Contains no chloride admixtures

Renderoc GP 25kg

SKU: 002gp

£62.81 (inc. VAT)

£52.34 (Ex. VAT)

88 company wide current stock level


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