Resivit 20ltr

SKU: 002RV20

SKU: 002RV20



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Resivit 20ltr

Resivit is a liquid admixture which is added to mortars and concrete during production in order to accelerate their setting and hardening to quickly attain increased mechanical resistance.


  •  To accelerate the stiffening and early strength gain of Portland cement concretes and mortars
  •  Typical applications for concrete or mortar placed in cold weather
  •  Readymix concrete
  •  Precast concrete
  •  Pre-stressed concrete
  •  Grouts


  •  Particularly effective in assisting to offset the delaying effect of low temperatures on setting and strength gain
  •  If used in conjunction with superplasticisers the combination of early set and strength gains achieved can enable double casting in a single shift
  • Accelerated setting reduces the risk of damage to fresh concrete from freezing
  •  Chloride free, safe for use in reinforced concrete
  •  The efficiency of Resivit is particularly useful where fast stripping of the moulds is required

Resivit 20ltr

SKU: 002RV20



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