Sika Membran Universal 25m x 450mm

SKU: 003mu450

SKU: 003mu450



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Sika Membran Universal 25m x 450mm


SikaMembran® Universal is an EPDM sheet membrane with a high vapour diffusion resistance (sd value 62 m) and is thus applicable on both the warm (high vapour pressure) and the cold (low vapour pressure) side of the construction under most climatic conditions. The SikaMembran® system is a high-performance vapour control system comprising of various EPDM sheet membranes providing vapour control layers and waterproof barriers for curtain walls. They are suitable for most climatic conditions in combination with the appropriate adhesive.


The flexible SikaMembran® sheets, installed between structure and incorporated units (e.g. facade elements, windows, etc.) using SikaBond® TF plus N adhesive, provides a secure and durable vapour barrier and waterproof seal at junctions between building elements, mainly in curtain wall facades, but also in ventilated facades and window installations.


  • Highly flexible waterproofing and vapour control system
  • Fast, easy and secure application even in corners
  • Provided with CE-mark according to EN 13984: 2011
  • Meet fire retardant requirements of EN 13501-1 Class E under free suspension
  • No additional mechanical fixing necessary
  • Membrane pre-treatment free
  • Suitable for uneven substrates (blowholes in concrete), leveling of substrate by adhesive
  • Suited to site conditions
  • Durable bond and barrier/seal
  • Ozone- and UV-resistant

Sika Membran Universal 25m x 450mm

SKU: 003mu450



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