RonaBond MCI 208ltr

SKU: 032rbmci208

SKU: 032rbmci208



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RonaBond MCI 208ltr


RonaBond MCI is a surface applied corrosion inhibitor. It is designed to migrate through normal and dense concrete structures and seek out the steel reinforcement bars in concrete.

RonaBond MCI will migrate a considerable distance through concrete to provide protection. RonaBond MCI will stop further corrosion of reinforcing metals and extend the service life of the structure.


  • Proven to migrate to adjacent areas to protect surrounding metals
  • Enhances the durability of reinforced concrete
  • Allows concrete to breathe and vapour to diffuse, it is not a vapour barrier
  • Protects both anodic and cathodic areas
  • Does not require the removal of sound concrete
  • Does not contain any calcium nitrite
  • Water-based and non-flammable for easy handling
  • Organic, safe and environmentally friendly
  • No cure time is required

RonaBond MCI 208ltr

SKU: 032rbmci208



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