Sika Wintermix 5ltr

SKU: 027wm5

SKU: 027wm5



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Sika Wintermix 5ltr


Sika® Wintermix is air entraining chloride free liquid admixture for mortar and concrete which also acts as an accelerator for work in sub – zero temperatures. Improves workability and freeze/thaw resistance in brick laying mortars and eliminates the need for a separate frostproofer.


  • As an air entraining water reducing admixture and accelerator/frostproofer for brick and block laying mortar, render (internal and external) and concrete.
  • Suitable for load bearing brickwork, block laying, external and internal rendering, pointing/repointing brickwork, floor screeds


  • Increased frost resistance during setting.
  • Non – corrosive to embedded metal.
  • Eases tamping down and alignment.
  • Improves workability/trowelability even in cold weather.
  • Provides resistance to freeze/thaw cycling down to -8°C in both wet and dry mortar.
  • Reduces bleeding/segregation.
  • Replaces lime in mix, hence reduces possibility of lime bloom and efflorescence.
  • Reduces shrinkage (cracking and crazing reduced).
  • Faster finishing times even in cold weather.

Sika Wintermix 5ltr

SKU: 027wm5



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